Thursday, May 8

The Evil Windstream and the Missing Internet

So, maybe you've noticed that I haven't blogged in a while...

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, our computer had magical powers, called the internet. We used the internet for online bill payments, managing our bank accounts, shopping, research, and most importantly blogging. Our internet loved our home. We enjoyed our internet and used it often. Then, after one dark and stormy night, our internet was lost. At first we thought our internet was recovering from the scary storm, so we waited patiently for it to come home.

A day had passed and our internet had not returned. By now we were quite concerned. I decided to report our missing internet to the proper authorities. Being a damsel in distress, I called out to a faraway land, in another part of the world. I explained to the man how important our internet was to us and how much we wanted it to come back. He offered to overnight a new magical box that would restore our precious internet. My very own fairy-godfather!

We anxiously awaited our new magical box. When it arrived we were sure our internet had come home. But, alas, it had not. The man we thought was our fairy-godfather, was actually a pawn of the evil Windstream, set to raise our hopes, only to crush them. What were we to do? I decided, again, to report our missing internet to the proper authorities, in a not-so-distant land. Many hours were spent searching for our beloved internet connection. Days went by. Many promised to search and recover our computer's magical powers. A week went by, still no answers. The evil Windstream had been plotting against us, attempting to charge us fees for use of our internet, all the while keeping it locked away.

We would not allow them to defeat us! After much contemplation, and many more days, we decided it was time to prepare our home for the return of the internet. We reset our new magical box many times and also checked the wires necessary to feed it. I tried once more to call out for help, in my desperation, but to no avail.

Later that evening, my dashing prince returned from his long day away. He wanted so much for our internet to come home to us. It had been almost two weeks now. Suddenly, it occurred to me for us to look to our old magical box for help. We carefully placed it in our foyer, and fed it to our computer. As our hearts pounded in our chests, we waited impatiently for those three solid green lights... At last! Our internet had returned! It had been here all along- if only we had looked sooner!

Now that we've been reunited, our internet is happier than ever. The evil Windstream is always lurking however, so we must keep a keen eye...


  1. jill you are hilarious! what a great fairy tale :)

  2. If only it were a fairytale!

  3. LOL! And the people rejoiced that the evil Windstream had been defeated by Castle Mousebluff and internet had been restored to the land and its people. And they all lived happily ever after!

  4. Bravo!! Glad you're back. I was starting to wonder.

  5. I love that story--you are seriously a professional writer. You should be a journalist for some big paper like the Hemphill Tribune or something....:-) No, seriously, you're such a great writer. Hey, I like the part that Cari tagged to the end of it! Great ending!

  6. Great story Jill. We feel your pain! Tonight our internet magically re-appeared after about a week and a half of almost nothing and about a month of a few hours here and there. Better hurry and finish this comment--I never know when the evil windstream will strike again. btw--we have recently started a fawcett family blog.
