Wednesday, October 21

30 Flirty and Fabulous!

Who me? No! Stop! I'm blushing!


Okay, so I am 30. Sometimes I'm flirty, but mostly just fabulous! haha

I've actually been looking forward to this birthday.

You know the milestone birthdays... and all the reasons why they're milestones. I've thought back to them {and some that aren't so milestone}.

When I turned 7, my birthday was on a Friday! {Milestone.} I was so excited because I was
going to have a slumber party! I remember inviting Leeza Anders {BFF} and my cousin Amberly. {Not sure if anyone else was invited.} That morning, when I woke up, I was burning up with fever. I slept most of the day on the couch. I was in and out of sleep when my siblings left for school The next time I remember waking up, they were home from school and I, sleepily asked my mom to make sure and call Leeza and Amberly
so they'd know they couldn't come cause I was sick. :(  Later, I think Leeza even called me because she was sad too. {Do you remember that Leeza?}  So disappointing :(

Eight years old = baptism. On my birthday because it was a Saturday :)  I remember being nervous about going under the water and not wanting my dress to come up and worrying about who would be there. {? I had a little social anxiety at an early age.}
Of course, it turned out perfectly. My Primary teacher, Sister Wendy Wright, gave me a packet of LifeSavers candies :)

Turning 12 was a big deal. Twelve meant

and mascara! My very first mascara was

Maybelline Great Lash.

Turning 13 was exciting because I became a "teenager."

Fourteen was huge ~ I was wearing full-fledged make-up! Stake Dances {if you don't know- it's a dance for the Youth of my church- and their friends- ages 14-18, held monthly. And I lived for it!}

{Why did my mom let me? Because I am the 6th child. She learned to fight her battles and that wasn't on the list ;)}

When I turned 15, I counted down the days until I turned

16! I couldn't wait to double date! I thought my life depended so much on having a "sweetheart". LOL
Ugh- the time I wasted!

Just before turning 17, my littlest sister, Rachel was born. :)  My life was brighter :)  That's when I got my driver's license = I drove my brother and sisters to school. I drove to the grocery store, to work and even to church on occasion. Super fun!

I love this picture of us. Neither of us knew we were both making faces! :)

My 17th Birthday. My cake was a dirt cake- soo good!
My 18th birthday was also on a Friday!! {But no slumber party.} It was my school's homecoming. I was the Secretary in Student Council and had the privilege to give the homecoming court the roses during halftime. :)  My little sister Cari, had planned a surprise for me the next night, which was a Stake Dance. By then, I felt a little weird going to the dances, because I had matured so much. ;) But I went, because Cari and David wanted to go.  Early on in the evening, I turned around to see a good friend of mine {and my older brother's}. He had come to take me on my first single date! This was the surprise Cari planned for me :) I was so surprised and excited because I had a humongous crush on him! lol That was a great birthday!

When I turned 19, I was at BYU. It was a Saturday and all of my roommates went out of town for the weekend. So I was home alone. :(  My sweet roommates, Kristin and Janene left me a plate of blueberry muffins for my breakfast :)  So yummy! I ate them and sat around for a while. I watched Sleepless in Seattle {on VHS}, because the alternative was football.  Then my sister called and said she'd come get me. I don't remember what we did. But later, my BFF Katherine {who is also my sister's sister-in-law- and the girl my Katherine is named after} took me out to eat at a great Mexican restaurant.

When she dropped me off at my apartment that night, the lights were on. I knew I didn't leave them on... It was my sister and her husband! It was my surprise party! And I was surprised! She had a cake for me and one for another friend of our's whose birthday was a couple of days after mine.

19 was also great because that's the year I met Johnny ♥

My 20s were the most exciting for sure.
Those were the years I had my babies and really felt like an adult :)
During these years, I became more social and felt good in my own skin. I learned a lot about myself.  I learned what I'm capable of and learned to try new things.
In fact, days before turning 30, I ground wheat into flour for the first time!

Then I used a KitchenAid Mixer for the 1st time. Ever. & made bread, for the first time, ever.
{Hey, it took me awhile to get up enough nerve. Go ahead, laugh it up!}

Turning 30 was a big deal for a lot of reasons...

Just about everyone that I admire and want to be like, is at least 30.
Now I look old enough to be married.
And almost old enough to have 5 kids ;)

Johnny and the kids made my birthday extra special. We drove to a State Park called Boykin Springs. It was beautiful! The weather was so nice and cool. We took tons of pictures and explored the beautiful waterfalls and hiking trails.

Later that night, Johnny's parents came and we had Chicken Salad sandwiches {I know, girl food. But it was my birthday, so I got to pick.} and roasted s'mores outside :)
{You gotta try Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Strawberry Marshmallows next time you do s'mores! The best!}

A delicious Coconut Supreme frosted with Chocolate Buttercream!

Cleverly spelled out in coconut :)

I blew them all out in 1 breath! {After making a wish of course.}

I think I'm going to like being 30 :)


  1. talk about one awesome post!
    I am not good at remembering things so maybe I should try and remember my birthdays past...

  2. AWESOME post!!! you have such a great memory! i don't even remember setting that date up for you, but, MAN, i'm an awesome sister! ;) lol HAPPY BDAY! i love you so much and am so grateful to have you for a sister.

  3. You brilliant, gorgeous girl!! You're ideal at every age and will definitely love 30 - obviously! An impressive memory for having 5 kids . . . must not be genetic. ;) I love you and love the fabulous post!

  4. aww what a fabulous way to start out being 30!! i'm glad it went so well!! :)

  5. What a fun post to read! I can't believe how much you remember!!! I think I have a terrible memory - b/c I can't even remember one special birthday from my past... isn't that sad!!! Anyway - thanks for sharing... I really enjoyed reading it.

  6. I loved seeing those pics I've never seen before...I can't believe how much Catherine looks like you! And I love that picture with your many offspring... I still can't believe you have that many kids. :-) It was a fun post to read! Glad you had a good birthday!

  7. What a fun post!!! It was way fun to read! Looks like a great birthday to start a great year and a great decade!!! Love ya! (!!!) Lol

  8. You're such a superblogger!!! (Yes, it's one word!)
    Your life sounds so fun and excited up to this point-- and can only get better!
    Love the pictures, love the storiesm love you!

  9. Those were fun times we had at BYU that semester! I remember that night celebrating your birthday. I have that same picture of us in a frame. . .somewhere! :)

  10. I came back to read it again-- thats how much I like it.

  11. Jill, I loved it! Sorry I didn't comment sooner but for some reason the update didn't show up on my blog - weirdo. Anyhoo - loved, loved it! I'm so glad you are looking forward to being 30. It's seriously amazing, I'm actually still 30 too! Crazy, huh?! There's a commercial on tv right now that is playing the song, "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman." Coincidence? I don't think so.

    Lotsa love!

  12. Jill--I cant believe you remember all that!!! I still luv that picture of us...fabulous @ 7 and now 30!! The only time in my life i think i've worn skinny jeans ;) Hope your birthday was the best ever!
