Tuesday, January 22

Hooray for Bryn!

Poor Katherine and Bryn are sick. Remember that cold I was getting over last week? Now Bryn has it and Katherine has an ear infection. So sad. Katherine's ear started hurting Saturday, but we still went to church and she was fine. Yesterday she started running a fever and Bryn sounded really hoarse. I took them both to the clinic last night- they're open til 7 pm- and Katherine started her antibiotic today. Bryn has a cold and we're watching her to see if she'll have to take antibiotics- hoping to avoid that. Anyway, Katherine missed school and her music class today and she'll miss school again tomorrow because she still had a fever tonight.

Well, even though Bryn is sick, I introduced her to a bottle today! She did really well. I tried to get her to take it for about 30 min- 1 hr and after I got the bottle warm enough with hot water, she sucked it fine. I prayed that she would take it and I had Olivia say a prayer too. Prayer works!! (We knew it would!) She was okay with either breast milk or formula, as long as it's warm enough. Hooray! Katherine and I took pictures to celebrate and capture the moment.


  1. i totally understand the sick babies! mine has been sick forever now and she is miserable poor girl... hope the rest of yours stay well and don't pass it around... also congrats on the bottle! i hope to pump too this time b/c i didn't last time and she didn't have a bottle til 9 months! it will be nice to let others help with feedings if possible.

  2. So sorry they've been sick. How are you feeling? I hope you're getting some rest. Luv ya!
