Tuesday, October 11

11 on the 11th

Today Katherine is eleven! We're still celebrating. Right now we're headed to Lufkin to take her to the mall & possibly Best Buy. She loves Taylor Swift and we gave her Taylor's Fearless cd. Best Buy has a DVD of Taylor Swift that was released today- she really wants it!

Today we made her birthday cupcakes- gourmet of course! We found the recipe on Picky-palate.com. It has a chocolate chip cookie inside each cupcake. We can't wait to get home & try them.

This Friday night she wants to campout in our yard. And Saturday she's invited some of her friends over for a birthday party. We'll be partying all week!

Katherine is such a joy to have in our family! (That's actually her middle name.) She is beautiful inside & out. We're very blessed to have her in our family and to call her a friend.


  1. I've always loved that JOY is a family name of yours :)
    I was so impressed by Kathrine during my visit, all of your children but she's so lovely!
    I'm so loving how those cupcakes sound but happy I'm missing out on them, I'm 13lbs from my pre-solomon weight haha.

  2. I can't believe she is 11! I remember when she was born! She has grown up to be SUCH a sweetheart! Tell he we love her so very much and we are so proud of how helpful and loving she is!
