Tuesday, April 21

Goodbye Old Paint

That is the name of a song from Let's Play Music. It's about a guy that has to leave his horse, Old Paint. We love that song. When Travis was taking LPM lessons, he learned that song and was telling Johnny about it. He choked up when he told Johnny the story and said, "(sniff) Goodbye, Old Paint, (sniff) I'm leaving (sniff sniff) Cheyenne. (sniff, sniff, sniff)" It was so cute!

That song went through my head this morning because Jack and Jim, the Haflinger horses we've been taking care of since last August, are gone. We found out yesterday that our landlord was donating them to a therapy center in Longview. So this morning, only moments ago, they were loaded into a horse trailer, headed north. We're so sad to see them leave. Just watching them out of our back windows has been so enjoyable. I especially loved watching them in the cold weather. They loved to play and would run all over the pasture. I called them "Jack-Jack" and "Jim Dear"- gotta love Disney! Jack was more trusting and Jim was skiddish. Jack let the kids ride him, but Jim wouldn't have anything to do with a saddle. They loved carrots of course and the kids loved feeding them. Travis especially loved helping Johnny care for them. I've already posted several pictures of Johnny and Travis out with them, as well as the girls.

I keep thinking it'll be good because Johnny won't have the responsibility for them anymore and have time to do other things- which is true, but sad. I don't think I ever got to ride Jack. Maybe I got on him once, but I can't remember. I regret that.

Here is the picture I took of Jack and Jim last night:

Oh! Yesterday a tree trimmer was here cutting back the limbs of the big oak trees over our house. He'll be back today to finish I'm told. After he's done, a new metal roof will be installed. Home improvements are great!

Well, the weather is beautiful today. I love Spring! Tonight the elementary school is having "Math Night" and I'm going to take the kids. Goodness knows they need all the help with math they can get because Johnny and I are not "great" at it. lol


  1. love the tee pee! impressive work! I'm sure she will be proud to show it off.

    sad about the horses but I do bet Johnny can use one less thing on his plate... I know my husband could.

  2. Aww... those are pretty horses.

  3. So funny! Good bye Old Pain for REAL!! How sad for you guys...and good for Johnny. :-) When are you guys coming down next?
