Tuesday, February 26

Birthday Birthday!

Our nephew Keaton had a birthday on Monday- he is 14!! Hooray! He gets to go to Stake Dances now!

Keaton, we're so glad you were born! Here are fourteen things we love/remember about you:
1. I remember holding you for the first time when you were about 2 days old, maybe three. You were such a cute baby! (Awwwww!)
2. When you were a toddler, I came and stayed at your house for a couple of weeks and remember loving to watch you and Nolan play. You cracked me up!
3. We love how fast you talk! Sometimes we have to close our eyes and concentrate really hard to understand you- haha.
4. We are impressed with your ability to learn so many things and be good at all of them- violin, unicycle, hunting!
5. We love how adventurous you are- even though it can get you into trouble. Squirrel anyone?
6. We love how much you like to spend time with your dad- he's a great example to follow.
7. We love how mature you are.

8. We love how much you like animals and how much you know about them and how good you are at taking care of them.
9. We love how dedicated you are with homeschooling- learning about so many complex subjects and trying to explain them to the rest of us! lol
10. We remember when you wanted to get into the tv: when you were watching a home video and your grandma was pushing you in a swing- and when you were opening presents on a home video.
11. We remember when you wanted to get into your toy car- you were so cute trying to fit your foot in the door of the hotwheel!
12. You are so handsome- the hair, the eyes, the tan...
13. We love that you will go swimming in the winter, just so your parents will know how much you appreciate the pool!
14. You are the coolest fourteen year old on crutches!!!!

Happy Birthday Keaton! We love you!!

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