Thursday, April 12

The Cure for OCD...

Well I think I've discovered the cure for OCD... pregnancy. It's very simple, upon discovering my pregnancy, I immediately develop a heightened sense of smell, followed by chronic fatigue. It's amazing how I can be "stopped up" and have a "radar nose" simultaneously. The aroma of leftover vegetable soup has a strong affect on me. I take short, shallow breaths and completely avoid the kitchen/dining room at all costs. Johnny made a deal with me- I didn't have to clean the kitchen, it could wait until he got home. Did I say deal- well I guess it wasn't really a deal- a deal for me, not him! The weather was so nice yesterday I sat out on our front porch until he got home and then I decided to mow the yard. Crazy, huh? There's something therapeutic about mowing the yard. It smells clean, and I get to ride around on the John Deere- all the while successfully avoiding the kitchen and its many scents. Johnny's worried people will think bad if they see me mowing and know he's home- I told him we can tell them I ask to mow and won't let him near the mower. No big deal. Needless to say, Johnny cleaned up the kitchen and I no longer smelled the soup. Thank goodness!

Maybe today I'll catch up on laundry- I'm hoping my prenatal vitamins will have magical powers and give me a boost. I just got them yesterday. Oh! I went to the doctor on Tuesday in Lufkin and my Dr/Nurse Practitioner are Polish, of course they speak English, but they have accents that are cool to listen to. Dr. Fercowicz delivers the babies and his wife is the Nurse Practitioner and I see her for appointments. She is really nice and informative. Incidentally, she told me she used to work for Dr. Atkins- from the Atkins diet. It was before he was very big back in the early 80s. The reason she told me about this is because we were talking about pregnancy diet and stuff. She wasn't really dropping names or bragging- if anything she didn't seem a fan. So here's my report- I was cramping last week and an ultrasound showed that I had a cyst that ruptured and that was most likely the cramping I felt. No biggie- it has to do with hormones and as long as a woman is in her fertile years, she will have those and they're very normal. Good to know. Also, the ultrasound showed I had a subchorionic hematoma- also fairly common and usually causes no complications and heals on its own. Because ultrasound machines are so much more advanced they pick up little things like that more often now- which causes Drs to think it may be part of the attachment process of the egg. Anyway, she said she'll do an ultrasound every visit- unheard of for me! I feel like she's going to be very thorough. I have to go back in 2 weeks for lab results and then in a month I think. I'm almost 10 weeks now and she says I'll be able to find out what I'm having at 16 weeks. I hope her machine is that good and that she's right! (Cross your fingers- hopefully we're having a boy! If not- it's okay!)
Well, I'm going to go tackle the laundry and get a shower, etc. See if I can't get a little OCD back :)

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