Thursday, June 26

Chalene Johnson

Do you know who she is? She is my sister Melissa's twin! You didn't know Melissa had a twin? Well, she does, and her name is Chalene Johnson (married name). So, since she is Melissa's twin and Melissa doesn't have a blog (yet), allow me to introduce Chalene to you...

Chalene is my fitness trainer. Everyday, no matter what, she comes to my house and we work out together. It never matters what time it is! She's so great! No, seriously, she is the mind/body behind Turbo Jam- check it out at BeachBody. It's so fun and my sisters Sarah and Melissa actually did introduce me to it. Sarah and I agree completely that Melissa and Chalene look just alike. Just looking at her picture, you may not think so, but the whole time I'm doing her workout, I think it's Melissa, or her twin, at least. Melissa may be slightly taller than her, and her voice is different, but if you put it on mute, they are the same! Same facial expressions, same smile, eyes, long hair (though Chalene is a little more blonde- she lives in California, so go figure).

So, now I have 2 sisters that have famous twins! Monica= Reese Witherspoon and Melissa= Chalene Johnson! LOL

It definitely makes it more fun to do the workout when I think I'm doing it with my sister! I love Turbo Jam!


  1. I always see the commercials for this! so you like it?

  2. That's funny! Melissa told me y'all thought they looked alike, so she showed me a picture of Chalene online and you're right! So then we totally had to copy Chalene's bangs when I cut Melissa's hair.

  3. I love working out with you!!! (and I enjoy working out with me - so funny that everyone thinks we look alike however we don't look alike below the shoulders!) I love you tons and have fun partying with Chalene.

  4. Wow! I've heard people say that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. I guess that's Melissa's!
