Monday, February 9


When we named Olivia, we had no idea what personality came with that name. She began showing her personality early on, and is now living the life of Olivia. If you are not familiar with Olivia, tune into Nick Jr. at 10:30 and 1:30 CST each weekday, and you'll quickly learn about our adorable 4 1/2 year old.

Today's episode showed Olivia at school and there was a new girl, named Olivia. Olivia couldn't stand it, she didn't want to be known as Olivia 1 and the other girl, Olivia 2. So she announced that she had changed her name to Pam, because she didn't know any other Pams.

Tonight I reminded Olivia of the episode and said, "Wouldn't it be funny if there were another Olivia when you start school?" AND I happened to tell her that I do know of another Olivia- that's 2 and lives in Utah (Thomas Orsak's daughter). She gasped and said, "Oh no! I have to change my name to Pam!" and ran and told the kids her name was Pam. They refused to comply. I explained to her that since the other Olivia lives far away, she didn't need to change her name to Pam, yet. She seemed satisfied.

Now she's pronouncing her name for us, so we are sure to get it right. No more "Livy" or "Livia" is O-livia. She's such a fun girl!


  1. Jill, this is a darling post. I loved it. You're a great writer. Olivia is so precious. I just love her personality! I can't wait to see the show so I can get an even better glimpse of her.

    Lotsa love,

  2. Your kids are darling. It was nice visiting with you, Johnny we enjoyed meeting me... hope to meet you sometime Jill!

    Cute Site!
