Friday, July 1

The Smiley Intervention

I am publicly admitting I have a problem. I really like blogging and I like commenting on other people's blogs. You may have noticed that I use these a lot : 
LOL       : /        !! 

:(            :'(         :) 

Emoticons. It's become a popular way to express emotion in a written form.  These forms of expression are getting out-of-control! (That exclamation mark was necessary.) I'm actually starting to get on my own nerves. I can't even send a text message without some cute smiley face or a giant "!" *sigh*

It's time for an intervention. Cue YouTube:

Really don't want to hoard cats in my old age. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL Jill !!! At first, I was wondering if you were trying to hint to your readers or something! :'( Of course you wouldn't!! Maybe this just affects people with an Aussie accent??? Oh, well! I LOVE your emoticons!! Don't let this guy get to you!! =)
