Tuesday, July 5

Motivate ME Monday

Yikes! It's Tuesday and I just remembered! 
{Thanks Sarah!}

First, I have to say how proud I am of Sarah for keeping up with Motivate Me Monday
and for starting it to begin with! She is doing amazing, isn't she?!

As for myself, not so great. I gave myself last week to recuperate completely before putting my body through anything strenuous. And so far, this week is following suit. I'm not very motivated to workout. {boo!} I really don't want to lose ground, but I have continued to lose weight and am happy about that. Mostly, the weight loss is from staying busy and not having much of an appetite. So I can't complain. 

On a lighter note, it looks like Samuel is going to officially crawl! He has been doing the "army crawl" for awhile now- using both his forearms and legs. The tile has been good to slide and scoot around. Today he tried his hands and knee(s) and was so proud of himself. He would drag one leg so he could quickly transfer to a seated position, and he didn't go far (hence no picture). Once seated, he would clap and kick his legs as if he knew he had done something wonderful! Of course, we all lit up and clapped with him each time- because he is wonderful. Also, he has learned that pulling himself up and holding onto things is the single most fun activity. ever. 

This evening I was reading The Hobbit with Katherine and Travis. Olivia, Ella & Bryn were supposed to be cleaning their room, and Samuel ventured down the hall to my bedroom. He made a noise and Travis went running to check on him. He had pulled himself up to my bathtub and turned on the faucet! Haha! Who knew he was capable or ready!? We're definitely going to have to watch this one- gotta keep the doors closed.

This is from today- he had a great time feeding himself:

Look at that dimple! Oh, how I love this boy!

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