Wednesday, November 19

Johnny's Turn

Johnny's birthday is November 13th, and he is now 32! Here's what we sang to him:

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Johnny!
Yes, today you're 32!

Clever, huh?

I gave him his gift early- a Garmin GPS, so he could find his way to clinicals in Shreveport. But the missionaries pulled together and got him a sweet flashlight! He loves it! Elder Hansen has one and Johnny has coveted it ever since he first saw it-j/k. It's a Fenix PD30- it's way brighter than a Maglite and lasts longer. You should get one for your special someone this Christmas! (Did you like the free plug?)

To make the day somewhat special, I bought him an Italian Cream Cake and put trick candles on it!

Happy Birthday Johnny!


  1. we have the same birthday!
    the cowboy pics are awesome!

  2. Happy birthday, Johnny! Did you know that you are younger than Brandon? By exactly 5 months, but that's enough to be able to pick on Brandon the next time you see him for being SO old! ;) lol

  3. Happy Birthday Cuz! Never realized we're two years apart. Just turned 34 myself. Just another reason to love this time of year, from now on I'll think of you too at this time of year. Hope it was a good one!
